June Hike off Sevin's Road
/I hiked a different part of the watershed this weekend; a nice long hollow off of Sevin's road that is conservancy land. When I was a kid the property was owned by a childhood friend's family and when my Mom was a child, her friend's parents lived there too... so we both spent a lot of time hiking those woods as kids.
Swamp Buttercup (Ranunculus septentrionalis) -
Swamp Buttercups are common in our area, since our moist deciduous woods are their preferred growing habitat. The flowers are typically only 6" - 12" tall and their pretty yellow flowers standout on the green and brown of the forest floor.
Squawroot (Conopholis americana) -
Squawroot, also known as "Bear corn," is a parasitic wildflower that grows on and receives its nutrients from the roots of Oak and Beech trees. This spring wildflower's blossoms are only white for a short period after which Squawroot becomes brown and dies off.
Rue Anemone (Thalictrum thalictroides) -
A small plant that seldom reaches more than 8" tall, Rue Anemone's brilliant white blossomes are easy spotted and can sometimes come in pink too. I found this specimen just off the path, growing among the grasses that line the trails.
Spotted Touch Me Not (Impatiens capensis) -
I've been seeing a lot of Touch Me Nots lately but this is the first I've found that is flowering. One of my favorite wildflowers, there is also a yellow variety of Touch Me Nots in our area too. When ready, their seed pods will burst open dispersing their seeds at the slightest touch, hence their name.
Little Sewickley Creek -
Several sections of the creek were lit up by the sun, which gives the stream a golden glow as it reflects the water.
Little Sewickley Creek -
In another section of the stream, the sun was filtered through a green "lense" of leaves and grasses that reflected a deep green hue on the water.
Common Fleabane (Erigeron philadelphicus) -
Common Fleabane, also known as Philadelphia Fleabane, is prevalent in our area and will become even more prevalent as its season progresses. This native perennial looks similar to Ox-eye Daisies, but the petals are much narrower.